Virtual Program 101 (F.A.Q.)

We created this page to help answer common questions regarding our new FY21 virtual program.

  1. Why did the PCSC decide to go virtual? As a response to COVID-19, on July 8, 2020, the Ohio BWC (our funder), announced that all 84 Ohio safety councils had to either take the program year off or go virtual. We chose to go virtual in order to keep providing great safety training to local employers. Click here for details.
  2. When will in-person meetings start again? Good question! Unfortunately, we can’t predict the outcomes of COVID-19 so we don’t know for sure but tentatively we’re hoping to start back for FY22 (July 1, 2021).
  3. Is there a rebate this year? No. As a response to COVID-19, on July 8, 2020, the Ohio BWC (our funder), announced that it officially cancelled the FY21 rebate incentive for the Ohio safety council program. Click here for details.
  4. Do we need to submit semi-annual reports this year? Not at this time. We do recommend, however, that members complete the reports and file them just in case they become required in the future. From our experience, the most consistent the member is in completing the reports, the more accurate they are and the less time is needed to fix potential discrepancies.
  5. Do we need to complete an Enrollment Form? If you were an active member in FY20 and are renewing your membership for FY21, you DO NOT need to complete an Enrollment Form, just pay dues ($100). If you are enrolling into the PCSC for the very first time or after a year or more lapse, then you do need complete an Enrollment Form.
  6. Why did annual dues increase $15 in FY21? In the Ohio BWC’s response to COVID-19, they reduced funding for all individual Ohio Safety Councils down to 30% of the previous projected FY21 subsidy. The PCSC Steering Committee which is made up of member organizations, reluctantly voted to slightly increase the annual dues in order to ease the burden caused by large funding cut mentioned above.