Why I Stay Safe Campaign

What’s your employees’ primary motivation for working safe? It may not be what you think!

Our survey found that most people are primarily motivated to work safe due to social, relational and personal factors which in most cases, have nothing to do with work!

The results may not be surprising but are definitely eye opening, especially when comparing & contrasting to common safety leadership, culture and communication strategies that may be missing the mark in regards to effectiveness.

The Why I Stay Safe Campaign is aimed at helping employers to better connect their safety message to their employees by making it more personal. The campaign also provides key insight and campaign resources that make implementing such a campaign  simple and easy to do!

To learn more, check out our Free Employer Toolkit and listen to episode 115 of the Portage County Safety Council Podcast! Nic & Mike chat about the results of a recent survey that led to the launch of the Portage County Safety Council’s new Why I Stay Safe Campaign!

Listen today on:

Flyer at 50%

Free Campaign Resources:

  • Free Employer Toolkit: The Why I Stay Safe Employer Toolkit reviews the results of our survey, highlights key takeaways, lists easy ways to implement the campaign at your workplace and provides free campaign graphics to help get you started!
  • Free Campaign Poster & Flyer: Feel free to download, print and display at your workplace! The poster is 11×17 and the flyer is 8.5×11, both are in PDF.
  • Free Campaign Graphics & Pictures: Feel free to share in your company emails, newsletters and social media pages! All are in JPEG format.
  • Take the Employer Pledge! If your company will be participating in the #WhyIStaySafe Campaign, please sign-up in the Employer Pledge! This helps us to measure the impact of the campaign. We won’t share contact info with anyone.

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