Free Employer Toolkit

Employer Toolkit CoverIn July 2019, we emailed our members a quick survey asking them to share with us their primary motivation for staying at work. Our survey found that most people are primarily motivated to work safe due to social, relational and personal factors which in most cases, have nothing to do with work!

The results may or may not be surprising but are definitely eye opening, especially when comparing & contrasting to common safety leadership, culture and communication strategies that may be missing the mark in regards to effectiveness.

The Why I Stay Safe Campaign is aimed at helping employers to better connect their safety message to their employees by making it more personal. The campaign also provides key insight and campaign resources that make implementing such a campaign simple and easy to do! All this and more is in our Free Employer Toolkit!

This Free Employer Toolkit will:

  1. Review the results of the survey and list key takeaways.
  2. Briefly discuss alternative or less common approaches to safety leadership & communications.
  3. Identify 6 simple ways employers can start a Why I Stay Safe campaign at their workplace.
  4. Provide links to free campaign posters & graphics that help kick start a campaign.

Click here to view or download the Free Employer Toolkit today!