For Communities

We all know that that public parks and trails can significantly improve personal well-being and community engagement but they’re only effective if people are:

  1. Consciously aware of them!
  2. Actually use them!

This is why the Portage County Safety Council wants to partner with your community to help promote its public parks & trails it 2020 Get Outside campaign!

Together, we can multiply our effectiveness and help make Portage County a better place to work and live!

How Get Outside can help your community promote its parks?

  1. Podcasts: The PCSC is creating a Get Outside Podcast Series that will help local agencies and communities promote their public parks & trail systems! Episodes will be released spring through fall of 2020 and made available through all of our podcast channels on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Podbean, Stitcher! Click here to learn more about the PCSC Podcast.
  2. Social Media: Send us a good picture of your park or trail (or tag us on your post) and we’ll promote it on our social media pages as well! Please use #GetOutside.
  3. Community Bulletin Boards/Billboards: Display the free campaign poster (11×17) or flyer (8.5×11) on your community bulletin boards or high traffic outdoors spaces. Don’t want to use our posters? Create your own and send us a copy so we can help promote it!
  4. Large Banners: Make a large banner encouraging citizens to Get Outside while promoting your local parks or trails. Display in high traffic areas.
  5. Community Newsletters: If you have a community newsletter or a section in your newspaper, include a Get Outside section, encouraging people to visit and spend more time outdoors! Highlight benefits or local parks they can visit. If electronic, link to outside articles, maps, brochures, podcasts and resources that may help inspire them to take the next step.
  6. Community Partnerships: Ask your local chamber of commerce, schools, businesses & community organizations to partner with you on a Get Outside campaign in order to multiply your reach & effectiveness!

Why should my community participate in the Get Outside campaign?

  1. To improve personal health & community engagement.
  2. To increase awareness of your community’s park & trail systems.
  3. Together, we can multiply our effectiveness and help make Portage County a better place to work and live!

Contact us today for more information or to let us know that your community is ready to Get Outside!