Rebate Requirements

The FY24 Rebate has increased to 3%!!!

Click here to view the full list of all the requirements.

To qualify for the Ohio BWC premium rebate offered through their Safety Council program, you must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Join your local safety council by July 31 of the program year.
  2. Attend 10 safety council meetings**

*The rebate offer excludes self-insuring employers and state agencies. Limitations apply to a professional employer organization and its clients. BWC encourages all employers to become active safety council members.

**At least eight Attendance Credits must be completed through the local safety council in-person meetings.  You can earn up to two External Training Credits to meet the 10 required meetings by completing offsite, in-person training such as BWC’s safety training courses or industry-specific training. See our External Training Credit Guidelines page for more information.