Become a Podcast Guest

Thank you for your interest in becoming a guest on the Portage County Safety Council Podcast!

To apply to become a guest on our podcast, please complete this quick online Podcast Guest Interest Form.

Have questions? Please see the F.A.Q. below. If you have questions not answered below, contact us.

Podcast Consent & Release Form:

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the format of your podcasts?

We record our podcasts in two primary formats, both aimed at helping member companies improve their safety programs, outcomes, and general understanding of related topics.

  1. Interviews: Formerly referred to as “Safety Chats,” these episodes are typically 10-30 minute discussions with local professionals in order to provide more insight and commentary into various safety & health related topics. The goal of every interview is to broaden the understanding of the listener in every topic covered.
  2. Monologues: Formerly referred to as “Safety Talks,” these episodes are provided by local professionals aimed at providing specific and straight-to-the-point information (usually less than 5 minutes) that can easily be accessed & utilized by members for activities such as tool box talks, meeting icebreakers, etc.
  3. Recorded Live: These are live recordings usually from local safety council luncheons.

Who is the target audience?

Although our podcast has been download in most states and several nations, the target audience is local employers in the Portage County area, more specifically, Portage County Safety Council members. Our members represent various businesses and industries including but not limited to manufacturing (about 60%), healthcare, government, schools, social services, transportation, etc. We have up to approximately 120 members attend our monthly safety luncheons.

What type of topics are you looking for?

The PCSC is a forum for workplace safety so we are looking for any topic that can help our members improve the safety of their employees and facilities, etc. Please keep in mind that while there may be overlap into other topic areas such as public health, etc., our target audience is local employers. All content should be aimed at employers. Occasionally we may do a specific campaign (see our Get Outside campaign) in which we may move beyond our typically safety messaging.

What is the recording process like?

The recording process is simple and not as scary as it sounds! We record in person in Ravenna, OH, and now have the capability to conduct phone interviews (through cell phones or Zoom). The recording will then be edited and made available online at later date.

How should I prepare for the recording session?

  1. Be prepared for the topic! If recording a Safety Talk, you may want to bring a script (since it’s a monologue). Safety Chats are much looser. If recording a Safety Chat, bullet point & print a few key points/stats or make a few note cards that are easy to read and are easily accessible during the recording.
  2. Don’t stress about it! Most people (if not all) become overly conscious about their voice and what they sound like.  Don’t stress about it just be you! While we want a high quality recording, we’re not looking for perfection. We’re looking to help employers improve their safety performance by providing them with good content.
  3. We provide the equipment! We’ll be setup and ready to go! All you need to do is bring  yourself and your insight!
  4. Remote Recordings: If recording remotely and you don’t have a USB mic (most people don’t), we suggest using a good pair of ear buds that have a built in mic (like the pair Apple provides with their iPhones). This provides a better sounds quality that your typical phone or laptop mic (if using Zoom).

Who has the rights to the content?

By recording, you agree to give the rights of the content to the Portage County Safety Council. If your organization requires approval before content can be published, we ask that you receive approval prior to recording. Please contact us if you have any further questions regarding the rights of the content.

Can I make a handout or power point available online?

If you would like to make a handout or power point, etc., available to our listeners, we would be happy to post it with your podcasts on our website and in the show notes. The handout or power point must be directly correlated to the podcast topic and cannot contain any political or controversial information. Contact us for any further related questions.

Where are your podcasts available?

Our podcasts are available on iTunes, Spotify, Google Play, Podbean, Stitcher! They’re also available via Google Drive in the podcast archives on our website. In addition, one episode a week is now automatically converted to a static video and uploaded on our You Tube Channel.